| 4546 | 1 | Kim Badger | | 7 Ash Ave, Albert Town, New Zealand, Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (kimbadger@yahoo.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48135 | 1.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Support | That the landscape schedules 21.23 are retained as notified. |
| 4547 | 2 | John Robert Binney | | 721 Mount Barker Road, RD 2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (johnbinney@iinet.net.au) | Landscape Schedules John Binney |
| 48197 | 2.1 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.23.1 is supported. |
| 48198 | 2.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.18 Cardrona Valley PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.18 is retained as notified. |
| 48199 | 2.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.24 Lake McKay & environs PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.24 is retained as notified. |
| 48200 | 2.4 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the Mount Barker Rural Character Landscape be extended southward to incorporate the houses on the south side of Mount Barker Road. |
| 48201 | 2.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.18 Cardrona Valley PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the Cardrona River Outstanding Natural Landscape be wrapped around to an extended Mount Barker Rural Character Landscape so that it joins the Lake McKay Station Outstanding Natural Landscape. |
| 4548 | 3 | Rebecca Karamaena | | Level 1, 1 Umbers Street, Three Parks, Wanaka 9305, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (rebeccak@fyfeklaw.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules Rebecca Karamaena - Hawthenden Ltd Rebecca Karamaena - Hawthenden Ltd - Additional |
| 50808 | 3.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.22.19 Mount Alpha is amended to acknowledge that the submitters land does not have landscape values. |
| 50810 | 3.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the Outstanding Natural Landscaping designation is removed from the submitters land. |
| 50811 | 3.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.22.19 Mount Alpha be amended to recognise that the submitters land has no identifiable landscape values in respect of this property. |
| 50812 | 3.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That Outstanding Natural Landscape boundary of the landscape schedule 21.22.19 Mount Alpha is amended to be located along a defensible geomorphological boundary. |
| 50814 | 3.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the land located on the Mount Alpha fan be classified as a Rural Character Landscape due to being part of the inhabited and domesticated rural land below it rather than the mountain slopes above. |
| 50815 | 3.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.19 Mount Alpha be amended to remove the submitters land. |
| 50816 | 3.7 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.19 Mount Alpha be rejected as the restrictions outlined in the proposed variation are punitive, unjust and require full compensation to the landowner. |
| 4549 | 4 | self | Samuel "Q" Belk | 2355 Gibbston Highway, Gibbston, Gibbston, New Zealand, 9371 (samuelbelk1221@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48136 | 4.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the landscape schedules 21.22 are supported as notified. |
| 4550 | 5 | Malcolm Burgess | | 96 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (mjspburgess@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48137 | 5.1 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the description of the Outstanding Natural Feature boundary in landscape schedule 21.22.11 be amended to describe the western boundary extending to the cadastral boundaries of the existing urban development and not the extending to the urban zoned land. |
| 4551 | 6 | Michael & Bridget Davies | | PO Box 1467, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (office@brownandcompany.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules Michael and Bridget Davies - LandscapeSchedule-Submission |
| 48203 | 6.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That further information or clarification is provided on the circumstances in which the landscape schedules are to be used. |
| 48204 | 6.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the extent of the capacity rating scale be confirmed within the landscape schedules. |
| 48205 | 6.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the ratings scale make clear how the wording used relates to the provisions in Chapter 3 Strategic Directions of the Proposed District Plan. |
| 48206 | 6.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That any additional activities referred to in the landscape schedules, particularly in the landscape capacity assessment, use defined terms. |
| 48207 | 6.5 | 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the landscape capacity in xii. rural living be amended as follows "no landscape capacity, except existing approved development or where exceptional circumstances and design are presented." |
| 48208 | 6.6 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 4552 | 7 | Florence Micoud | | 69 Studholme Road, RD 2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (florencemicoud@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules Florence Micoud |
| 48209 | 7.1 | Landscape Schedules | | Support | That the landscape schedules be retained as notified. |
| 48210 | 7.2 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That every landscape that is not damaged yet be protected. |
| 48211 | 7.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the Mount Alpha Outstanding Natural Landscape in landscape schedule 21.22.19 be extended to Cardrona Road to the east and Studholme Road to the north, or if this is not possible then that the triangle between Mount Alpha, Cardrona Road, and Studholme Road be protected as a priority area. |
| 4553 | 8 | Land owner | grant Fyfe | 193 Maungawera Valley Road, Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (grantf@fyfeklaw.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48139 | 8.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be removed from the landscape schedules. |
| 4554 | 9 | Maungawera HIll Group | Susan Gathercole | 836 Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road, RD 2, RD2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (susangathercole@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48138 | 9.1 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.3 West of Hawea River PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.3 West of Hawea River RCL be rejected. |
| 4555 | 10 | Robert Yang | | 55C Gibbston Back Road, RD 1, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (robertyang3@yahoo.com.sg) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48140 | 10.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.17 Victoria Flats PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.17 be retained as notified. |
| 48212 | 10.2 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the Gibbston Character Zone be reviewed with the same process as has been used for the Rural Zone. |
| 48213 | 10.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the review of the Gibbston Character Zone as sought by submission 10.2 occur at the same time as the Rural Zone. |
| 4556 | 11 | Alan Gillespie | | 287 Maungawera Valley Road, RD 2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (awg@xtra.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48141 | 11.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That priority areas are deleted. |
| 4557 | 12 | Ella Pedley | | 12 Morning Star Terrace, Arthurs Point, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (ellasig.pedley@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules Ella Pedley Form 5 |
| 48348 | 12.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River is retained as notified. |
| 48349 | 12.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin is retained as notified. |
| 48350 | 12.3 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the inclusion of the landscape schedules in Arthurs Point are retained as notified. |
| 48351 | 12.4 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the values and attributes identified for the landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River are retained as notified. |
| 48352 | 12.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the capacity assessment for landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River is retained as notified. |
| 4558 | 13 | Jennie Semple | | 13 Watties Track, Arthurs Point, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (jped@sent.com) | Landscape Schedules Jennie Semple Form 5 |
| 48214 | 13.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River is retained as notified. |
| 48215 | 13.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin is retained as notified. |
| 48216 | 13.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the values and attributes of landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River are retained as notified. |
| 48217 | 13.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That the values and attributes of landscape schedule 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin are retained as notified. |
| 48218 | 13.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the Shotover River Outstanding Natural Feature is protected from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development in accordance with section 6 of the Resource Management Act 1991. |
| 48219 | 13.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That the Western Whakatipu Basin Outstanding Natural Landscape is protected from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development in accordance with section 6 of the Resource Management Act 1991. |
| 48220 | 13.7 | 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Support | That the identification of no capacity for urban expansion is retained as notified. |
| 48221 | 13.8 | 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Support | That the identification of no capacity for urban expansion is retained as notified. |
| 48222 | 13.9 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made to achieve the purpose of sustainable management and protection of the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscape within and around Arthurs Point. |
| 48223 | 13.10 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made to achieve the purpose of sustainable management and protection of the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscape within and around Arthurs Point. |
| 48224 | 13.11 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules, including those at Arthurs Point have immediate legal effect from the date they were publicly notified. |
| 58894 | 13.12 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the notified landscape map contains an error which shows an extended Urban Growth Boundary over Atley Road which the Environment Court and Appeals Court ordered to be reversed. This error should be rectified and include a further period of time for people to respond once rectified. |
| 4559 | 14 | Matthew Semple | | 13 Watties Track, Arthurs Point, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (msemp@sent.com) | Landscape Schedules Matt Semple Form5 Landscape Schedules Matt Semple Replacement - Form5 Landscape Schedules submission |
| 48225 | 14.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River is retained as notified. |
| 48226 | 14.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin is retained as notified. |
| 48227 | 14.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the values and attributes of landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River are retained as notified. |
| 48228 | 14.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That the values and attributes of landscape schedule 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin are retained as notified. |
| 48229 | 14.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the Shotover River Outstanding Natural Feature is protected from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development in accordance with section 6 of the Resource Management Act 1991. |
| 48230 | 14.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That the Western Whakatipu Basin Outstanding Natural Landscape is protected from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development in accordance with section 6 of the Resource Management Act 1991. |
| 48231 | 14.7 | 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Support | That the identification of no capacity for urban expansion is retained as notified. |
| 48232 | 14.8 | 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Support | That the identification of no capacity for urban expansion is retained as notified. |
| 48233 | 14.9 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made to achieve the purpose of sustainable management and protection of the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscape within and around Arthurs Point. |
| 48234 | 14.10 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made to achieve the purpose of sustainable management and protection of the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscape within and around Arthurs Point. |
| 48235 | 14.11 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules, including those at Arthurs Point have immediate legal effect from the date they were publicly notified. |
| 4560 | 15 | Arthurs Point Community Association | Andrew Blackford | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (arthurspointcommunity@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules Nigel Lloyd - Arthurs Point Community Assoc Ngel Lloyd (Arthurs Point Community Assoc) Additional |
| 48236 | 15.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 Kimiākau Shotover River be retained as notified including the extent of the Outstanding Natural Feature. |
| 4561 | 16 | Richard and Lindsay Macharg | | Rapid No 12 Malaghans Road, RD 1, RD 1, RD 1, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (macharg@me.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48142 | 16.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River priority area be amended to change the boundary to the carriageway of Malaghans Road between Ben Lomond Station and Coronet Peak Road junction. |
| 48345 | 16.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape within the Whakatipu basin is protected. |
| 48347 | 16.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the boundary of landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River be amended at the swerve of the boundary around Ben Lomond Station and its associated development. |
| 48469 | 16.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the boundary of landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River be amended to include 'Tremain house' and 'Tremain's corner'. |
| 48470 | 16.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the boundary of landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River be amended at the cut out around Bordeau's store and its associated accommodation and extensive outbuildings. |
| 48475 | 16.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the boundary of landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be amended to use Malaghans Road as the southeastern boundary as the landscape boundary. |
| 4562 | 17 | LandEscape Wanaka | Rik Deaton | 93 Camp Hill Road, RD 2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (ops@landescape-wanaka.nz) | Landscape Schedules Attachment Rik Deaton Letter to QLDC re Landscape Schedules - March 22 |
| 48143 | 17.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the Maungawera Rural Visitor Zone is removed from consideration in the variation, including the mapping. |
| 49560 | 17.2 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That 93 Camp Hill Road/the Maungawera Rural Visitor Zone be removed from the landscape mapping. |
| 4563 | 18 | Doug Stalker | | 446 Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road, Lake Hawea, New Zealand, 9382 (djstalker@xtra.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules 18 - Doug Stalker |
| 48144 | 18.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22 is not included in the proposed district plan Chapter 21 before direct consultation is undertaken with affected land owners. |
| 48145 | 18.2 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23 is not included in the Proposed District Plan Chapter 21 before direct consultation is undertaken with affected land owners. |
| 4564 | 19 | Aitkens Folly Vineyard Ltd | Ian Percy | 246 Riverbank Road, RD2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (ian@aitkensfolly.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48146 | 19.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedules 21.23 for Rural Character Landscapes are rejected as notified. |
| 48147 | 19.2 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedules 21.23 are amended to remove vague terms such as 'dramatic', 'sublime', and 'tranquil' as they are purely subjective. |
| 48148 | 19.3 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedules 21.23 are amended to provide explicit definitions for terms 'limited', 'very limited', 'some' in regard to landscape capacity. |
| 48149 | 19.4 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.2 Halliday RoadCorbrige PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the rural character landscapes 21.23 are amended to remove quotation marks on the terms 'working farm', and 'rural'. |
| 48793 | 19.5 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedules 21.23 are amended to determine explain who arbitrates the definitions of the terms 'expressiveness', and aesthetics'. |
| 48794 | 19.6 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be rejected as notified. |
| 48795 | 19.7 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be amended to remove vague terms such as 'dramatic', 'sublime', and 'tranquil' as they are purely subjective. |
| 48796 | 19.8 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be amended to provide explicit definitions for terms 'limited', 'very limited', 'some' in regard to landscape capacity. |
| 48797 | 19.9 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley is amended to remove quotation marks on the terms 'working farm', and 'rural'. |
| 48798 | 19.10 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley is amended to determine explain who arbitrates the definitions of the terms 'expressiveness', and aesthetics'. |
| 48799 | 19.11 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.2 Halliday RoadCorbrige PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.2 Halliday Road Corbrige be rejected as notified. |
| 48800 | 19.12 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.2 Halliday RoadCorbrige PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.2 Halliday Road Corbrige be amended to remove vague terms such as 'dramatic', 'sublime', and 'tranquil' as they are purely subjective. |
| 48801 | 19.13 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.2 Halliday RoadCorbrige PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.2 Halliday Road Corbrige be amended to provide explicit definitions for terms 'limited', 'very limited', 'some' in regard to landscape capacity. |
| 48802 | 19.14 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.2 Halliday RoadCorbrige PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.2 Halliday Road Corbrige is amended to remove quotation marks on the terms 'working farm', and 'rural'. |
| 48803 | 19.15 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.2 Halliday RoadCorbrige PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.2 Halliday Road Corbridge be amended to determine who arbitrates the definitions of the terms 'expressiveness', and 'aesthetics'. |
| 48804 | 19.16 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mount Barker Road be rejected as notified. |
| 48805 | 19.17 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mount Barker Road is amended to remove vague terms such as 'dramatic', 'sublime', and 'tranquil' as they are purely subjective. |
| 48806 | 19.18 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mount Barker Road is amended to provide explicit definitions for terms 'limited', 'very limited', 'some' in regard to landscape capacity. |
| 48807 | 19.19 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mount Barker Road is amended to remove quotation marks on the terms 'working farm', and 'rural'. |
| 48808 | 19.20 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mount Barker Road is amended to determine explain who arbitrates the definitions of the terms 'expressiveness', and aesthetics'. |
| 4565 | 20 | Willowridge Developments Limited | Alison Devlin | PO Box 170, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9013 (alison@willowridge.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48150 | 20.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the functional requirements of rural properties are taken into consideration when assessing applications for earthworks and farm buildings taking place in landscape schedule 21.22.19 Mount Alpha. |
| 4566 | 21 | Todd & Walker Law | Ben Gresson | PO Box 124, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (ben@toddandwalker.com) | Landscape Schedules Ben Greeson - Mee Holdings Ltd |
| 48237 | 21.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That further information or clarification is provided on the circumstances in which the landscape schedules are to be used. |
| 48238 | 21.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the extent of the capacity rating scale be confirmed within the landscape schedules. |
| 48239 | 21.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the ratings scale make clear how the wording used relates to the provisions in Chapter 3 Strategic Directions of the Proposed District Plan. |
| 48240 | 21.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the capacity rating be amended to provide some capacity for tourism related activities, rural living and urban expansion without compromising the Outstanding Natural Feature values. |
| 48245 | 21.5 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 48246 | 21.4 | 21.22.1 Peninsula Hill PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the capacity rating be amended in landscape schedule 21.22.1 Peninsula Hill to include some capacity for tourism related activities, rural living and urban expansion. |
| 48247 | 21.5 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 4567 | 22 | Todd & Walker Law | Ben Gresson | PO Box 124, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (ben@toddandwalker.com) | Landscape Schedules Ben Gresson - Scope Resources Ltd |
| 48241 | 22.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That further information or clarification is provided on the circumstances in which the landscape schedules are to be used. |
| 48242 | 22.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the extent of the capacity rating scale be confirmed within the landscape schedules. |
| 48243 | 22.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.4 Morven Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the ratings scale make clear how the wording used relates to the provisions in Chapter 3 Strategic Directions of the Proposed District Plan. |
| 48244 | 22.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 48248 | 22.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.1 Peninsula Hill PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.22.1 Peninsula Hill be amended to include some capacity for cleanfill to be deposited in hidden gullies in this landscape. |
| 48249 | 22.5 | 21.22.1 Peninsula Hill PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That reference to earthworks be included after reference to farm in the landscape capacity for landscape schedule 21.22.1 Peninsula Hill. |
| 48250 | 22.6 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 4568 | 23 | Geoff and Maureen Kernick | | 1147A Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road, RD2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (gmkernick@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48151 | 23.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That reference to plantation forestry be removed from schedule 21.22.23 Hāwea South North Grandview section 12(d). |
| 48337 | 23.2 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Physical Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That 21.22.23 section 14 be amended to include tomtits, tui, shining cuckoo, Australasian crested grebe, Southern Alps gecko, McCann's skinks, and many others. |
| 48338 | 23.3 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Physical Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That 21.22.23 section 14 be amended to include hedgehogs. |
| 48339 | 23.4 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Physical Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That 21.22.23 section 27 be amended to include: boating, water-skiing, jet skiing, and kite boarding. |
| 48340 | 23.5 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the typographical error in the first sentence of the landscape capacity section of landscape schedule 21.22.23 be corrected from "Priority Area Outstanding Natural Landscape West Wanaka" to "Priority Area Outstanding Natural Landscape Hāwea South North Grandview". |
| 48341 | 23.6 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.23 sections i, and ii, landscape capacity be amended to consider effects of noise. |
| 48342 | 23.7 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.23 landscape capacity section require pest eradication / control programs as part of any Resource Consent application for i. commercial recreation activities, and ii. visitor accommodation and tourism related activities. |
| 48343 | 23.8 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.23 section xi. Production forestry not preclude the removal of wilding pines and other pest trees. |
| 4569 | 24 | Caroline Harker | | 193 Maungawera Valley Road, Wanaka, Albert Town, New Zealand, 9382 (carolineh@xtra.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48152 | 24.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That no existing rules relevant to landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley are changed. |
| 48476 | 24.2 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be rejected and not included in Chapter 21 of the Proposed District Plan. |
| 4570 | 25 | Janice Hughes | | 6 Weatherall Close, Hidden Hills , Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (janice.hughes@aspiringlaw.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48153 | 25.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape capacity assessment of landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron be amended. |
| 48486 | 25.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron capacity under ii. be amended to include 'no landscape capacity to absorb visitor accommodation other than within existing buildings' with the wording 'No landscape capacity related activities' remaining. |
| 48487 | 25.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the reference 'No landscape capacity for tourism-related activities' in landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron be retained as notified. |
| 48488 | 25.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity under v. be amended to ensure that earthworks are limited to repairs, maintenance and renewal of existing walking-only trails and tracks. |
| 48489 | 25.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That no additional roads are created in landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron. |
| 48490 | 25.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity include no landscape capacity for erection of shelters, huts, cabins and lodges. |
| 4571 | 26 | Glendhu Station Limited | John and Emily McRae | Glendhu Station, Po Box 162, Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9343 (john.glendhustation@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48154 | 26.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the current rules relevant to landscape schedule 21.22 landscape schedules are enough and that no change is necessary. |
| 4572 | 27 | Rod and Anne Corbett | | PO Box 642, Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9343 (rod.corbett88@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48155 | 27.1 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron capacity under ii. be amended to include 'no landscape capacity to absorb visitor accommodation other than within existing buildings' with the wording 'No landscape capacity related activities' remaining. |
| 48265 | 27.2 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity under v. be amended to ensure that earthworks are limited to repairs, maintenance and renewal of existing walking-only trails and tracks. |
| 48266 | 27.3 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity include no landscape capacity for erection of shelters, huts, cabins and lodges. |
| 4573 | 28 | Peter Oliver | | 35 Little Alpha Loop, Wanaka , New Zealand, 9305 (peteragnesoliver@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48156 | 28.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.21 West Wanaka PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.21 West Wānaka be retained as notified. |
| 4574 | 29 | Ken MacKenzie | | 57E Gibbston Back Road, R,D 1, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (chartlea@xtra.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48157 | 29.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the landscape schedules are retained as notified. |
| 48282 | 29.2 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That a higher landscape value be given to Gibbston, from Gibbston Valley Winery to the Nevis, Gibbston Back Road. |
| 4575 | 30 | Mark Hosie | | 13 Shaw Street, Arrowtown, Arrowtown, New Zealand, 9302 (bella15@outlook.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48158 | 30.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the areas around Arrowtown be left devoid of housing. |
| 48288 | 30.2 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That Queenstown Lakes District Council and all other parties cease to rely on the Whakatipu Basin Land Study as the 'silver bullet' in deciding what areas are suitable for development. |
| 48289 | 30.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That Queenstown Lakes District Council consults more closely with communities and out a high weighting on the community views before implementing changes in any area. |
| 4576 | 31 | Rebecca and Jimmy Cotter | | 1147D Lake Hawea-Albert Town Road, RD 2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (dtebuilding@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48159 | 31.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That council adopt a common sense approach and stop mapping and classifying land into certain priority areas. |
| 48344 | 31.2 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.3 West of Hawea River PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules allow for firebreaks with careful planting on Outstanding Natural Landscape land. |
| 48346 | 31.3 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.3 West of Hawea River PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That council work with all landowners to ensure what they are looking to do with their land is going to compliment the area. |
| 4577 | 32 | Ben Wilson | | 299 Dublin Bay Road, Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (benw@rwl.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48160 | 32.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.22 Dublin Bay recognise the protection of the heritage non-indigenous trees in and around the Dublin Bay reserve area. This should exclude any wilding Pinus radiata and Douglas Fir trees which are not of any significant heritage value" |
| 4578 | 33 | Fork Farm | PHILL HUNT | 100 Maungawera Valley Road, RD 2, wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (ffphill@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48161 | 33.1 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley is rejected as notified and dropped in favour of the current rural general rules. |
| 49113 | 33.2 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley is altered to reflect the capacity values outlined in this submission. |
| 49117 | 33.3 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That paragraph 4 of landscape schedule 21.23.5 is agreed with as notified in that the water courses are artificial throughout the valley. |
| 49128 | 33.4 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be amended to address that paragraph 9 where it states 'Dwellings are set back from Maungawera Valley Road, are generally well integrated by the hummocky topography of the mountain flanks or by existing vegetation and are not visually prominent from the road' to acknowledge that historically the houses are generally positioned beside the road and in full view of the road. |
| 49129 | 33.5 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be amended to confirm the significance of evidence of early Maori occupation by an appropriate cultural advisor/mana whenua authority. |
| 49130 | 33.6 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley paragraph 16 is retained as notified. |
| 49131 | 33.7 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be rejected and that no extra protection is placed on the landscape. |
| 49132 | 33.8 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be amended to change the landscape capacity of commercial recreational activities from very limited to limited. |
| 49133 | 33.9 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for visitor accommodation activities that are co-located with existing development be amended from no landscape capacity to limited landscape capacity; and be amended to some landscape capacity for tourism related activities, including farm related tourism. |
| 49134 | 33.10 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for urban expansions be adopted as notified with no capacity. |
| 49135 | 33.11 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for intensive agriculture be adopted as notified with some capacity. |
| 49136 | 33.12 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for earthworks be adopted as notified with limited landscape capacity. |
| 49137 | 33.13 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for farm buildings be adopted as notified with some capacity. |
| 49138 | 33.14 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for mineral extraction be amended from very limited to limited capacity. |
| 49139 | 33.15 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for transport infrastructure be amended from very limited to limited and that bus stops be included when public transport arrives in the Upper Clutha. |
| 49140 | 33.16 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for utilities and regionally significant infrastructure be amended from limited to some capacity. |
| 49141 | 33.17 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for renewable energy generation be adopted as notified. |
| 49142 | 33.18 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Summary of Landscape Values | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley landscape capacity for rural living be amended from very limited to some landscape capacity. |
| 58895 | 33.19 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | 'That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be amended to remove reference to the historic importance of the submitters' family home and garden. |
| 4579 | 34 | Maungawera Catchment Group | PHILL HUNT | 100 Maungawera Valley Road, RD 2, wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (ffphill@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48162 | 34.1 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the Maungawera Valley does not become a Rural Character Landscape (RCL) Priority Area (PA). |
| 4580 | 35 | Andrew Bartholomew | | 18 Highfield Ridge , Hidden Hills, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (Andybartholomew@me.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48163 | 35.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That Landscape Capacity point ii visitor accommodation and tourism related activities, be changed to no landscape capacity. |
| 48353 | 35.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That Landscape Capacity point v. earthworks be amended to no landscape capacity. |
| 4581 | 36 | Whakatipu Wilding Control Group (WCG) | Suzanne Rose | c/- QLDC, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (srose@whakatipuwilding.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48164 | 36.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River be amended. |
| 48491 | 36.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 is an outstanding natural feature. |
| 48492 | 36.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the attributes and values of landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River be amended so that 'no reverence of historical documents that feature wilding conifers, including art, photography, postage stamps and books, should determine our future landscapes' be included in paragraph 48 of the landscape schedule. |
| 50961 | 36.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That the Outstanding Natural Feature status of the Kimiākau (Shotover River) in landscape schedule 21.22.3 is retained. |
| 50962 | 36.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River attributes and values at paragraph 48 be amended so that there is no reverence of historical documents that feature wilding conifers, including art, photography, postage stamps and books, should determine our future landscapes. |
| 4582 | 37 | Ed Cruikshank | | 17 Littles Road, Coronet Peak, New Zealand, 9371 (Ed@cruikshank.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48165 | 37.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin is amended along the south eastern boundary of the Shotover outstanding natural feature of the Central Whakatipu Basin to exclude a cluster of existing properties in the vicinity of Malaghans Road/Littles Road junction. |
| 48493 | 37.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That 21.22.15 be amended to ensure the Whakatipu Basin is protected. |
| 48494 | 37.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the outstanding natural landscape boundary at the south western corner of landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be amended as they are illogical and display various inconsistencies. |
| 48495 | 37.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the boundary of landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be amended at Ben Lomond Station and its associated development. |
| 48496 | 37.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the boundary of landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be amended around Tremain House above Tremain's Corner. |
| 48497 | 37.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be amended around Bordeau's Store, accommodation and ancillary buildings. |
| 48498 | 37.7 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be amended before the adoption of the proposed landscape values in landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin. |
| 4583 | 38 | William Thomson | | 12 Highfield Ridge, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (billthomson@xtra.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48166 | 38.1 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.11.ii. be amended to very limited capacity. |
| 48354 | 38.2 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That Landscape Capacity 21.22.11.v earthworks be amended from 'very limited' to 'no' landscape capacity. |
| 48355 | 38.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the provisions of Landscape Schedule 21.22.11 are unacceptably permissive. |
| 4584 | 39 | John Palmer | | 2 Weatherall Close, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (john@johnpalmer.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48167 | 39.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That the Landscape Capacity point ii visitor accommodation and tourism related activities be amended from 'very limited' to 'no' landscape capacity. |
| 48356 | 39.2 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | The Landscape Capacity schedule 21.22.11 #v (earthworks) be amended to ensure that earthworks are limited to repairs, maintenance and renewal of existing walking-only trails and tracks. |
| 48357 | 39.3 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the Landscape Capacity should record that there is no capacity for shelters, huts, cabins, lodges, or other related buildings. |
| 4585 | 40 | None | Niamh and Andrew Tomes | 10 Highfield Ridge, Hidden Hills, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (niamh_s@hotmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48168 | 40.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 landscape capacity section point ii be amended as follows "visitor accommodation and tourism related activities - no landscape capacity for tourism-related activities" |
| 48735 | 40.2 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 landscape capacity section point v be amended as follows "earthworks – very limited landscape capacity for earthworks and additional trails or access tracks that protect naturalness and expressiveness attributes and values, and are sympathetically designed to integrate with existing natural landform patterns." |
| 4586 | 41 | Dirk Van walt | | 699 Aubrey road Albert town, New Zealand, 9305 (Dvanwalt@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48169 | 41.1 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron capacity under ii. be amended to include 'no landscape capacity to absorb visitor accommodation other than within existing buildings' with the wording 'No landscape capacity related activities' remaining. |
| 48283 | 41.2 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity under v. be amended to ensure that earthworks are limited to repairs, maintenance and renewal of existing walking-only trails and tracks. |
| 48284 | 41.3 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity include no landscape capacity for erection of shelters, huts, cabins and lodges. |
| 48285 | 41.4 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity include no landscape capacity for erection of shelters, huts, cabins and lodges. |
| 4587 | 42 | Sunnyheights Limited | Chris Dodd | PO Box 2757, Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand, 1140 (ced@masfengroup.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules Sunnyheights Landscape Schedules Submission |
| 48170 | 42.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.22.22 Dublin Bay is removed or revised so that there is no additional constraints on the future use of the submitters properties (Lot 3 DP 27742, Lot 1 DP 426178, and Section 45 Block 5 Lower Wānaka SD). |
| 48171 | 42.2 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley is removed or revised so that there is no additional constraints on the future use of the submitters properties (Lot 3 DP 27742, Lot 1 DP 426178, and Section 45 Block 5 Lower Wānaka SD). |
| 48172 | 42.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule plan change be rejected in it's entirety. |
| 48173 | 42.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the category 'no landscape capacity' is removed and any areas or activities that are identified as having no landscape capacity be reclassified as having 'very limited landscape capacity'. |
| 48317 | 42.5 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be made more concise. |
| 48318 | 42.6 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That a definition is added to clarify what is meant by intensive agriculture. |
| 48319 | 42.7 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That 'tourism related activities' are considered in the landscape capacity assessments as part of Visitor Accommodation (the accommodation component and directly associated activities or services and facilities as defined by the Proposed District Plan) or Commercial Recreation (if the visitor attraction). Or alternative relief that a definition for Tourism Related Activities be included within the Proposed District Plan. |
| 48320 | 42.8 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That terms used in the Proposed District Plan are used wherever possible in the landscape schedules. |
| 48321 | 42.9 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the statement regarding soils and available water is amended to read as follows: some landscape capacity where expressiveness and aesthetic attributes and values are maintained or enhanced. |
| 48322 | 42.10 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the format used for the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscapes is retained as notified. |
| 48323 | 42.11 | Landscape Schedules > 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules in 21.23 for the Rural Character Landscapes are made more concise. |
| 48324 | 42.12 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the words no landscape capacity for tourism activities is removed from landscape capacity 21.22.22.ii. visitor accommodation and tourism related activities. |
| 48325 | 42.13 | 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.22.iv. intensive agriculture be amended to: intensive agriculture - limited landscape capacity in the rural living area within Dublin Bay (excluding the flanks of Mount Brown and areas where there is existing agricultural use of the land). |
| 48326 | 42.14 | 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the flanks of Mount Brown, as referred to in 21.22.22.iv. intensive agriculture, are spatially shown on the District Plan Web Mapping application. |
| 48327 | 42.15 | 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.22.x. renewable energy refers to small and community scale renewable energy and is amended to: very limited landscape capacity for discreetly located small and community scale renewable energy generation that is barely discernible from the lake or public places. |
| 48328 | 42.16 | 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.22.x. renewable energy is amended to provide for energy generation on buildings, for example, roof mounted solar panels. |
| 48329 | 42.17 | 21.22.22 Dublin Bay PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity xi. production forestry is amended so that it identifies that parts of the area are already covered in mature conifers, and these will have to be harvested at some stage. |
| 48330 | 42.18 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.23.5.ii. visitor accommodation and tourism related activities be amended to remove the no landscape capacity for tourism related activities. |
| 48331 | 42.19 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.23.5.iv. intensive agriculture be amended to remove reference to where soils and available water allocation support the activity, so that it reads: some landscape capacity where expressiveness and aesthetic attributes and values are maintained or enhanced. |
| 48332 | 42.20 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.23.5.vi. farm buildings is amended to replace modestly scaled with reinforce, so that it reads: some landscape capacity for buildings that reinforce the existing rural character. |
| 48333 | 42.21 | 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.23.5.x. renewable energy generation is amended to use the defined term small and community scale renewable energy generation instead of small scale renewable energy. |
| 4588 | 43 | john cossens | | 202 Mount Barker Road, RD2, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9382 (john@xlearning.nz) | Landscape Schedules Landscape Value Schedule submission - J Cossens |
| 48174 | 43.1 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be withdrawn. |
| 50492 | 43.2 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be amended using accurate, reliable, and robust community-based landscape value research. |
| 50493 | 43.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be amended to be more directive in identifying within each priority area the areas capable of absorbing rural living. |
| 50494 | 43.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be amended based on a more robust reliable method of measuring and monitoring cumulative effects. |
| 4589 | 44 | brendon fraher | | 3, Weatherall Close, Hidden Hills, Wanaka, Hidden Hills, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9305 (brendonandjude@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48175 | 44.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.11 (ii) visitor accommodation and tourism related activities be amended to ‘no landscape capacity for tourism related activities within existing or on proposed agreed or approved building platforms.’ |
| 48176 | 44.2 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.23.5.ii. visitor accommodation and tourism related activities be amended to remove the no landscape capacity for tourism related activities. |
| 48531 | 44.3 | 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity include no landscape capacity for erection of shelters, huts, cabins and lodges. |
| 48533 | 44.4 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Mount Iron landscape capacity include no landscape capacity for erection of shelters, huts, cabins and lodges. |
| 50963 | 44.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Support | That all priority areas are retained as notified. |
| 58896 | 44.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.11 Mount Iron PA ONF Schedule | | Oppose | That 21.22.11 (v) be amended to limit earthworks to repairs and maintenance of existing tracks and trails only from a health and safety perspective and that earthworks not be allowed for roads or carparks on Mount Iron. |
| 4590 | 45 | Natalie Reeves | | 18 Redfern Terrace, Otago - Queenstown, Arthurs Point, New Zealand, 9371 (vanlooy.natalie@gmail.com) | Landscape Schedules Submission of Natalie J Reeves |
| 48177 | 45.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.3 Shotover River PA ONF Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.3 Shotover River be retained as notified. |
| 48286 | 45.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.12 Western Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.11 Western Whakatipu Basin is retained as notified. |
| 48287 | 45.3 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin PA ONL Schedule | | Support | That landscape schedule 21.22.15 Central Whakatipu Basin be retained as notified. |
| 4592 | 47 | Paterson Pitts Group | Emma Turner | PO Box 283, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9343 (wanaka@ppgroup.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules Glen Dene Limited Landscape Schedules Submission |
| 48179 | 47.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules are removed or revised so that there is no additional constraints on the future use of the submitters property between State Highway 6 and The Camp and the land north of The Camp owned by Glen Dene Limited. |
| 48180 | 47.2 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the category ‘no landscape capacity’ is removed and any areas or activities that are identified as having no landscape capacity be reclassified as having ‘very limited landscape capacity |
| 48267 | 47.3 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.23 Hāwea South - North Grandview landscape capacity assessment include 'tourism related activities' with Visitor Accommodation (the accommodation component and directly associated activities or services and facilities as defined by the Proposed District Plan) or Commercial Recreation (if the visitor attraction). Or alternative relief that a definition for Tourism Related Activities be included within the Proposed District Plan. |
| 48268 | 47.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule be made more concise. |
| 48269 | 47.5 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape capacity sections includes an explanation where it is stated 'no landscape capacity'. |
| 48270 | 47.6 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the format used for the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscapes is retained as notified. |
| 48271 | 47.7 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 all references to 'Lake Hāwea Holiday Park' or similar including 'The Holiday Park' be changed to 'The Camp'. |
| 48272 | 47.8 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That in 21.22.23 'The Camp' is not included as part of the Hāwea South North Grandview Priority Area. Or alternatively that The Camp is excluded from the priority area landscape capacity. |
| 48273 | 47.9 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Associative Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 the engineering aspects of the damning and raising of Lake Hāwea are included in the associative values. |
| 48274 | 47.10 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 it be noted that the lake is manmade in relation to the legibility of the natural processes. |
| 48275 | 47.11 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.23 paragraph 66 be amended to note that the lake is manmade. |
| 48276 | 47.12 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That the use of 'natural waters' in landscape schedule 21.22.23 paragraph 77.a. is amended to recognise that the water is manmade. |
| 48277 | 47.13 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Summary of Landscape Values | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 the history of the human engineering of creating the landscape is included at paragraph 80.a. of the summary of landscape values. |
| 48278 | 47.14 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.23 be amended to remove the words 'West Wānaka' and read 'The landscape capacity of the Hāwea South North Grandview PA ONL for a range of activities is set out'. |
| 48279 | 47.15 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 the reference to 'difficult to see from the lake, lake edge, SH6, and Lake Hāwea settlement' is removed. |
| 48280 | 47.16 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 where it states that there is no landscape capacity for tourism related activities this be amended to state that there is some landscape capacity for tourism activities. |
| 48281 | 47.17 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the difficult to see test is removed in relation to views from the lake and the road in landscape schedule 21.22.23. |
| 48309 | 47.18 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule plan change be rejected in it's entirety. |
| 4593 | 48 | JEA | Jo Fyfe | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (jo@jea.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48181 | 48.1 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be reassessed to include a further layer of capacity mapping that identifies areas within specific ONLs that have the capability to absorb some development, with specific reference to schedules 21.22.19 and 21.22.21. |
| 48182 | 48.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.21 West Wanaka PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules be reassessed to include a further layer of capacity mapping that identifies areas within specific ONLs that have the capability to absorb some development, with specific reference to schedules 21.22.19 and 21.22.21 |
| 48255 | 48.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.19 apply at a priority area level to guide future development but not preclude it. |
| 48256 | 48.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That it is clear that that the capacity for landscape schedule 21.22.19 is not to be applied or interpreted at a site-specific scale. |
| 48257 | 48.5 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.19 Mount Alpha PA ONL Schedule General Description of the Area | | Oppose | That with regard to landscape schedule 21.22.19, that the benefits of visitor accommodation are recognised and appropriately anticipated, subject to appropriate design and comprehensive landscape assessment. |
| 48258 | 48.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.21 West Wanaka PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That with regard to landscape schedule 21.22.21, that the benefits of visitor accommodation are recognised and appropriately anticipated, subject to appropriate design and comprehensive landscape assessment. |
| 48259 | 48.7 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That with regard to landscape schedule 21.22.19, any other consequential or alternative changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 58897 | 48.8 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.21 West Wanaka PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.21 apply a priority area level to guide future development but not preclude it. |
| 58898 | 48.9 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.21 West Wanaka PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That is clear that the capacity for landscape schedule 21.22.21 is not to be applied or interpreted at a site-specific scale. |
| 58899 | 48.10 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.21 West Wanaka PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That with regard to landscape schedule 21.22.21, any other consequential or alternative changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 4594 | 49 | Paterson Pitts Group | Richard Burdon | PO Box 283, Wanaka, New Zealand, 9343 (wanaka@ppgroup.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules Richard Burdon Landscape Schedules Submission |
| 48183 | 49.1 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules are removed or revised so that there is no additional constraints on the future use of the submitters property between State Highway 6 and The Camp and the land north of The Camp owned by Glen Dene Limited. |
| 48184 | 49.2 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the category ‘no landscape capacity’ is removed and any areas or activities that are identified as having no landscape capacity be reclassified as having ‘very limited landscape capacity’. |
| 48290 | 49.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule be made more concise. |
| 48291 | 49.4 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape capacity sections includes an explanation where it is stated 'no landscape capacity'. |
| 48292 | 49.5 | Landscape Schedules > 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas | | Support | That the format used for the Outstanding Natural Feature and Outstanding Natural Landscapes is retained as notified. |
| 48293 | 49.6 | 21.22 Schedule of Landscape Values - ONF ONL Priority Areas > 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule | | Oppose | That the land owned by Glen Dene Limited is not included as part of the Hāwea South North Grandview Priority Area. Or alternatively that Glen Dene is excluded from the priority area landscape capacity. |
| 48294 | 49.7 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Physical Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That the Glen Dene farm base area is mentioned alongside the homestead, including the home paddocks and area of improved pasture. |
| 48295 | 49.8 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Associative Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 the engineering aspects of the damning and raising of Lake Hāwea are included in the associative values. |
| 48296 | 49.9 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 it be noted that the lake is manmade in relation to the legibility of the natural processes. |
| 48297 | 49.10 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.22.23 paragraph 66 be amended to note that the lake is manmade. |
| 48298 | 49.11 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 the farm base nodes with associated trees are included in relation to the pastoral farming activities. |
| 48299 | 49.12 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Perceptual (Sensory) Attributes and Values | | Oppose | That the use of 'natural waters' in landscape schedule 21.22.23 paragraph 77.a. is amended to recognise that the water is manmade. |
| 48300 | 49.13 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Summary of Landscape Values | | Oppose | That the history of the human engineering of creating the landscape is included at paragraph 80.a. of the summary of landscape values. |
| 48301 | 49.14 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.23 be amended to remove the words 'West Wānaka' and read 'The landscape capacity of the Hāwea South North Grandview PA ONL for a range of activities is set out'. |
| 48302 | 49.15 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the difficult to see test is removed in relation to views from the lake and the road in landscape schedule 21.22.23. |
| 48303 | 49.16 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 the reference to 'difficult to see from the lake, lake edge, SH6, and Lake Hāwea settlement' is removed. |
| 48304 | 49.17 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.22.23 where it states that there is no landscape capacity for tourism related activities this be amended to state that there is some landscape capacity for tourism activities. |
| 48305 | 49.18 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That the landscape capacity 21.22.23 iv. for intensive agriculture be amended to add the words 'except in areas where there is existing agricultural use of the land' after no landscape capacity. |
| 48306 | 49.19 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.23 xi. production forestry be amended to remove no landscape capacity. |
| 48307 | 49.20 | 21.22.23 Hawea South North Grandview PA ONL Schedule > Landscape Capacity | | Oppose | That landscape capacity 21.22.23 xii. rural living be amended to remove 'difficult to see from the lake, lake edge, SH6 and Lake Hāwea Settlement. |
| 48308 | 49.21 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedule plan change be rejected in it's entirety. |
| 4595 | 50 | JEA | Jo Fyfe | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (jo@jea.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48185 | 50.1 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That landscape schedule 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley be reassessed to acknowledge that rural living, farm buildings and other activities and uses can be appropriate throughout the priority area (including those existing), provided they are appropriate located and subject to comprehensive, site specific landscape assessment. |
| 48260 | 50.2 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules apply at a priority area level to guide future development but not preclude it. |
| 48261 | 50.3 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That the landscape schedules are clear that the capacity for development identified is not to be applied or interpreted at a site-specific scale. |
| 48262 | 50.4 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.5 Maungawera Valley PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That in landscape schedule 21.23.5 the benefits of rural living and other appropriate activities are recognised and appropriately anticipated, subject to appropriate design and comprehensive landscape assessment. |
| 48263 | 50.5 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential or alternative changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 48264 | 50.6 | Landscape Schedules | | Oppose | That any other consequential or alternative changes be made that are necessary to achieve the relief sought in the submission. |
| 4596 | 51 | Mt Barker Family Trust | Alison Devlin | PO Box 170, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9013 (alison@willowridge.co.nz) | Landscape Schedules |
| 48186 | 51.1 | 21.23 Schedule of Landscape Values - RCL Upper Clutha Priority Areas > 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road PA RCL Schedule | | Oppose | That farm buildings and earthworks are not limited or restricted through landscape schedule 21.23.1 Cardrona River Mt Barker Road. |