| 5035 | 1 | Jake Allen | | 44 Robin Road, New Zealand, (jakejallen801@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57026 | 1.1 | Ladies Mile > Variation to Chapter 29 Transport | | Oppose | That a plan to address capacity issues on the existing Shotover Bridge is formulated. |
| 58369 | 1.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That no rezoning occurs until suitable transportation infrastructure is constructed. |
| 58370 | 1.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That a plan to address capacity issues on the existing Shotover Bridge is formulated. |
| 5036 | 2 | Ursula Davis | | 231 Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road, Lake Hayes, New Zealand, 9371 (ursuladavis@mac.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57027 | 2.1 | 29.10 Minimum requirements for cycle parking, lockers and showers > 29.10.15 | | Oppose | The reason for my support (or opposition) are:: The roading is already overloaded in this area. Adding in another 2400 homes without roading infrastructure is absolute madness!!! Our public transport system is at times unreliable and not good enough. My kids try to catch the bus but often end up stranded. The council is making this place unliveable. Are the councillors sitting in the traffic?? Do the councillors try to catch the bus? Build the roading, and public transport first then the houses. Please listen to the feedback. We are not anti development as we need more affordable homes but we need better roads and public transport to go with the new homes. |
| 58409 | 2.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the roading and public transport be built first before the houses. |
| 5037 | 3 | Gretchen Mark-Dear | | 49 Kent Street Queenstown, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9300 (gmarkdear@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58041 | 3.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the variation not be allowed to proceed. |
| 58042 | 3.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the traffic congestion be addressed before any proposal. |
| 5038 | 4 | Graeme Dear | | PO Box 994, Queenstown 9348, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (gdear@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58040 | 4.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal be declined until a further 2 lane bridge spans the Shotover River. |
| 5039 | 5 | Richard Jonathan Pettit | | 336 Morven Ferry Road, Arrow Junction, New Zealand, 9371 (rick.pettit@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile 5 - Rick Pettit |
| 58043 | 5.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That there are no redeeming features of the plan change. |
| 58086 | 5.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the submitter strongly objects to the proposal being undertaken under the streamlined planning process. |
| 5040 | 6 | Tim Sanders | | Unknown, Suburbhttps://submissions.qldc.govt.nz/manage/WebService/getFile.aspx?dRef=V02AK4&src=i&r=0, New Zealand, Unknown (tsanders@fieldtheorymedia.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile 6 - Tim Sanders |
| 58044 | 6.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposed Ladies Mile Variation and associated changes are opposed. |
| 58045 | 6.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, if housing on such a scale is needed, there are areas along the Kingston Rd and towards Glenorchy which should be examined on a reduced level first. |
| 5041 | 7 | Sandy Waddingham | | 1 Coventry Crescent, Lower Shotover, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9304 (sandywaddingham1@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile 7 - Sandy Waddlingham |
| 58046 | 7.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the variation must provide proper walkways and pathways along the roads. |
| 58047 | 7.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That recycling be in incorporated into the plan. |
| 58048 | 7.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That compost bins be made available to those households that want them. |
| 5042 | 8 | Nicky Sygrove | | 2300 Gibbston Highway, Gibbston, New Zealand, 9371 (nicky@kinross.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile 8 - Nicky Sygrove |
| 58049 | 8.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Support | That the Ladies Mile district plan be changed to allow for the zone changes. |
| 5043 | 9 | Jay Berriman | | 100 Morven Ferry Road, Arrow Junction, New Zealand, 9371 (jay@epkcrew.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile 9 - Jay Berriman |
| 58050 | 9.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Ladies Mile Variation is opposed, due to likely traffic impacts. |
| 5044 | 10 | Mark Camilleri | | 9 Walnut Lane, Lake Hayes, New Zealand, 9371 (mark_camilleri@hotmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58051 | 10.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That until the addition and a guarantee of scientifically proven road traffic management models are incorporated into the proposal, the plans are opposed. |
| 5045 | 11 | Ian Moore | | PO Box 2788, Wakatipu, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9349 (scrambler2@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58052 | 11.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposed changes to the District Plan be rejected and the housing issues facing QLDC should be addressed in alternative ways. |
| 5046 | 12 | Keryn Malcolm Smith | | 330 Tucker Beach Road, Queenstown Hill, New Zealand, 9371 (kms@kerynsmith.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile scan |
| 58053 | 12.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposed rezoning be rejected and the existing zoning retained. |
| 5047 | 13 | Jonathan Newson | | PO Box 162, Arrowtown, New Zealand, 9351 (jongn@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58054 | 13.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed on the basis that the existing traffic problems need to be solved before adding to them. |
| 5048 | 14 | Blair Findlay | | PO Box 1127, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (blairfindlay@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58055 | 14.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposed development be rejected and the existing provisions be retained. |
| 5049 | 15 | NICHOLAS CROUCH | | 61 Panorama Terrace, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9300 (nick@crouch.com.au) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58056 | 15.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That high density development is objected to and the Ladies Mile proposal is opposed. |
| 5050 | 16 | Vladimir Noskov | | 3 Toni's Terrace, Lower Shotover, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9304 (vladnz@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Vladimir Noskov |
| 58057 | 16.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposed density be limited to Low/ Medium density to protect the quality of life, environment, and overall character of the area. |
| 5051 | 17 | Nathan Brown | | New Zealand, (nat.brown@hotmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58058 | 17.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed on the basis of concerns related to the impact on traffic and congestion and that many of the statistics in the report are outdated. |
| 5052 | 18 | Shane Melton | | 13 Mckenzies Road, Kakanui RD13O, Oamaru 9495, New Zealand, (shanejfm@outlook.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57815 | 18.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Ladies Mile variation not proceed until the road capacity along SH6 and Ladies
Mile have been significantly increased to support this significant increase in vehicular traffic. |
| 57816 | 18.2 | Ladies Mile > Variation to Chapter 29 Transport | | Oppose | I seek that the whole (or part) of the submission be allowed (or disallowed):: The Te Putahi Ladies Mile variation should not be allowed to proceed until such time as road capacity along SH6 and Ladies Mile have been significantly increased to support this significant increase in vehicular traffic - for through traffic like us getting to/from Glenorchy from the East along with all other Wakatipu basin residents who will face similar issues and hold-ups. Planned, Designed and Implemented increase in road capacity - but Ladies Mile variation NOT to proceed until Implementation has occurred/works complete. The reason for my support (or opposition) are:: The Te Putahi Ladies Mile variation should not be allowed to proceed until such time as road capacity along SH6 and Ladies Mile have been significantly increased to support this significant increase in vehicular traffic - for through traffic like us getting to/from Glenorchy from the East along with all other Wakatipu basin residents who will face similar issues and hold-ups. Planned, Designed and Implemented increase in road capacity - but Ladies Mile variation NOT to proceed until Implementation has occurred/works complete. |
| 5053 | 19 | Katie Hill | | 10 The Mall, Cromwell 9310, Cromwell, New Zealand, 9310 (bennetts.katie@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58059 | 19.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal is supported only if the plan for transport is specifically defined before the plan change is given the 'go ahead'. |
| 58060 | 19.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That there be a guarantee of the developers / QLDC/ Waka Kotahi upgrading the bridge between Ladies Mile and Frankton to at least 2 lanes each way. |
| 58061 | 19.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That there be a pedestrian/ bike path on the bridge. |
| 58062 | 19.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That there be a tramline between Ladies Mile, the airport, and the town centre. |
| 5054 | 20 | Samuel Belk | | 2355 Gibbston Highway, (SH6) Queenstown , New Zealand, (samuelbelk1221@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58063 | 20.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That there be further emphasis on high density housing in central Queenstown and public transport. |
| 5055 | 21 | Nicole Fairweather | | 9 Castalia Drive, Lake Hayes, New Zealand, 9304 (nicolefairweather@hotmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58064 | 21.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | That there be no high density housing in this area. |
| 58065 | 21.2 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | That the commercial zone be limited. |
| 58066 | 21.3 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That there are too many units for this area (the low density residential precinct). |
| 58067 | 21.4 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That there are too many units for this size space. |
| 58068 | 21.5 | 4.2 Objectives and Policies > | | Oppose | That other areas need to be working efficiently before building more properties hoping the supporting services will fall into place. |
| 58069 | 21.6 | 29.5 Rules – Standards for activities outside roads > 29.5.12A | | Oppose | That the number of car spaces required per dwelling be increased. |
| 58070 | 21.7 | 29.10 Minimum requirements for cycle parking, lockers and showers > 29.10.7 | | Oppose | That more parking be allowed at all properties. |
| 58980 | 21.8 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That Chapter 49 is opposed. |
| 58981 | 21.9 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.3 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.4.3 (Home occupation) is opposed. |
| 58982 | 21.10 | 36.5 Rules – Standards > 36.5.2 | | Oppose | That Rule 36.5.2 (Noise standards in the Low, Medium
and High Density
Residential Precincts) is opposed. |
| 58983 | 21.11 | Ladies Mile > Variation to Chapter 27 Subdivision and Development | | Oppose | That Chapter 27 (subdivision and development) is opposed. |
| 58984 | 21.12 | 4.2 Objectives and Policies > | | Oppose | That Policy is opposed. |
| 58985 | 21.12 | 4.2 Objectives and Policies > | | Oppose | That Policy is opposed. |
| 5056 | 22 | Allan Meredith | | 17 Shona Lane, West Melton, New Zealand, 7618 (2as.meredith@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Allan Meredith |
| 58071 | 22.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That 2,400 dwellings are too much and will have a detrimental effect on the feel and character of the area and will lead to a huge increase in traffic and demand on infrastructure. |
| 58072 | 22.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That plans be made to incentivise the use of existing housing stock first. |
| 58073 | 22.3 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the Sylvan Street link is not appropriate. |
| 58074 | 22.4 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the Sylvan Street link should be only for non-motorised transport such as bikes and walking. |
| 5057 | 23 | Nadia Lisitsina | | PO Box 91079, Wakatipu, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9349 (naph663@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57817 | 23.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | That the proposal be rejected or substantially amended so development is aligned with current infrastructure capacity, commuter behaviour, and the rural character and current zoning. |
| 58410 | 23.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC present a plan for future wastewater infrastructure. |
| 5059 | 25 | Jennifer James | | 41 Centennial Avenue, Arrowtown, New Zealand, 9302 (jennyjames@doctors.org.uk) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58075 | 25.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That a proper network of protected cycle and walking paths be built and that the problems that already exist be resolved before creating more. |
| 58076 | 25.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That cycleways be separated from the carriageway, tar sealed, free flowing, and unobstructed by roadworks. |
| 58077 | 25.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That a dedicated bus lane be provided each direction over the Shotover River either via a separate bus bridge including a cycle lane or a new bridge for all traffic. |
| 58078 | 25.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That alternative public transport solutions be considered including an electric monorail/ train. tram service. |
| 58079 | 25.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the impact of population growth on other services, such as the hospital, be considered. |
| 58080 | 25.6 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That all crossings need to be underpasses or bridges in order to maintain traffic flow. |
| 5060 | 26 | Kate Pirovano | | 10 Elizabeth Place, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand, (diving.pet@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57818 | 26.1 | Ladies Mile > Variation to Chapter 4 Urban Development | | Oppose | That the development is opposed on transportation grounds. |
| 5061 | 27 | Jim Robinson | | 19 Bridesdale Drive, Lake Hayes, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9304 (robidee@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Proposed District Plan Submission - Ladies Mile Plan Change Proposed District Plan Submission - Ladies Mile Plan Change B Submission #27 - Jim Robinson on behalf of Jim and Deirdre Robinson Submission #27 - Jim Robinson on behalf of Jim and Deirdre Robinson |
| 58081 | 27.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, while not against the development and implementation of the Ladies Mile Plans, it is naive that 2,400 additional homes, along with those that exist, will walk, cycle, and use a new public transport system. |
| 58082 | 27.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That a significant State Highway 6 upgrade must be built before the proposed Ladies Mile housing development is completed, which comprises a fast public transport service while also increasing the capacity of the highway, including by:
- providing a dual carriageway in each direction from the Arrowtown - Lake Hayes Rd to the BP roundabout and, in the future, also through the Kawarau Gorge;
- potentially creating alternative bypass routes (two options are outlined); and
- potentially creating a rail link through the Kawarau Gorge. |
| 5062 | 28 | James Lazor | | 712 Lake Hayes Arrow Junction Hwy, New Zealand, (lazor.james@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58083 | 28.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That traffic is already a major problem and this proposal does not do anything to address these issues. |
| 5063 | 29 | Hamish MacPherson | | 3 Longlands Street, Lake Hayes, New Zealand, 9304 (hamish@macpherson.net.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Hamish Macpherson |
| 58084 | 29.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the road and bridge be built to handle the number of properties and construction enabled by the proposal. |
| 5064 | 30 | Jane Doe | | New Zealand, (jane.doe@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58085 | 30.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed, citing a concern that the proposal is within the flight path of the Queenstown Airport and will result in 2,400 people living under the flight path, close to the runway. |
| 58087 | 30.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | |
| 58088 | 30.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the QLDC wait for the 2023 census figures to consider what areas to further develop. |
| 58089 | 30.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | |
| 5065 | 31 | Geraldine McBride | | 1020 Glenorchy-Queenstown Road, Mount Creighton, New Zealand, 9300 (geraldinemcbride411@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57819 | 31.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed in order to preserve open spaces, farmland, mountains, and a feeling of openness. |
| 57820 | 31.2 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | |
| 57821 | 31.3 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | |
| 5066 | 32 | Lois Martin | | New Zealand, (lois.martin55@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Submission #32 - Lois Martin |
| 58090 | 32.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Ladies Mile Zone should be rejected. |
| 58091 | 32.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the government be informed that this is the wrong land to be fast tracked and the wrong decision. |
| 58092 | 32.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the QLDC await the 2023 census figures before considering what areas to further develop, how much housing is planned, how many are built for investment, the resident population, and how the proportion of the population who are construction workers who will move on. |
| 58093 | 32.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the existing 100 kmph speed limit be amended to 60 kmph now. |
| 58094 | 32.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That an assessment of the impact of the existing development at Shotover country, the country club, the commercial/health precinct. and Kawarau Heights on the infrastructure, traffic, environmental change, and residents' quality of life be undertaken before contemplating the Ladies Mile proposal. |
| 58095 | 32.6 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That a second bridge is needed. |
| 58096 | 32.7 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the land already zoned for High Density housing on the south side of the Shotover Bridge be used to house hospitality workers. |
| 5067 | 33 | Justin Crane | | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (justincrane@me.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Submission on Ladies Mile Variation Final 31May23 Submission Ladies Mile Masterplan Nov20 |
| 58132 | 33.1 | Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the variation is opposed on the basis that:
- it relies on factual errors/ assumptions regarding land ownership for the pump station to service the majority of the masterplan (to be located at intersection of McDowell Drive and SH6) and the active travel link noted on Structure Plan running parallel to State Highway 6 is located on private, rather than public land;
- there will be adverse effects on the Threepwood owners/ residents and the wider community from the active link proposed on Structure Plan through Threepwood Farm, in terms of farm operations and the Outstanding Natural Landscape; and
- there will be adverse effects on the Threepwood owners/ residents and the wider community from the increase in stormwater flows through Threepwood and into Lake Hayes, causing physical damage and further deterioration
to the Lake Hayes water quality and the wetland. |
| 58133 | 33.2 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the variation is opposed on the basis that it relies on a factual error/ assumption regarding landownership in that the active trail running parallel to State Highway 6 runs through private, rather than public, land. |
| 58134 | 33.3 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the variation is opposed on the basis that the owners and residents of Threepwood and the wider community will experience significant adverse effects from the proposed active link running through Threepwood Farm, which will put the viability of the 150-year old farm at risk and the Outstanding Natural Landscape. |
| 58135 | 33.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the variation is opposed on the basis that the owners and residents of Threepwood and the wider community will experience significant adverse effects as the increased volume of stormwater in an area already prone to flooding will flow through Threepwood damaging infrastructure and residents and into Lake Hayes, causing further deterioration to the water quality and the wetland. |
| 58136 | 33.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, whilst opposed to the Variation in its current form, the submitter recognises the need for additional housing and amenities within the masterplan area and is open to working with the QLDC to achieve a workable solution for wastewater and stormwater management, and an active travel link. |
| 5068 | 34 | Don Andrew | | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (donandrewqueenstown@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Don Andrew |
| 58137 | 34.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That all development be halted on the entire Ladies Mile. |
| 5069 | 35 | Peter Chudleigh | | 63 elysium way, Speargrass Flat, New Zealand, 9371 (pmchudleigh@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57822 | 35.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That solutions be found to drive development on land already zoned for higher density development. |
| 58411 | 35.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That existing Queenstown urban areas be rezoned to enable higher density housing. |
| 58412 | 35.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That solutions be found to commit higher proportions of development to affordable housing. |
| 58413 | 35.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the traffic issues need be resolved before further development, including that a non-car oriented masterplan/ green transportation plan is needed if development is to proceed. |
| 58414 | 35.5 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed. |
| 58415 | 35.6 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the traffic issues need to be resolved before further development. |
| 5070 | 36 | Beca | Lydia Shirley | 267 High Street, Christchurch Central, Christchurch, New Zealand, 8011 (George.vanPelt@beca.com ) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Lydia Shirley (FENZ) |
| 58138 | 36.1 | Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That Fire and Emergency are enabled to carry out its requirements under the FENZ Act 2017 more effectively relating to activities required to be undertaken to enable an effective
emergency response within the proposed Ladies Mile Zone. |
| 58139 | 36.2 | Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC consider new rules and a related
policy framework to enable adequate access to detached residential dwellings by emergency vehicles and
personnel. |
| 58140 | 36.3 | Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That for all other developments to which C5 applies (i.e. other than detached residential dwellings), where not provided for,
the Te Putahi Ladies Mile Zone introduce rules that ‘duplicate’ the requirements of the Part 6: firefighting of
C/AS1 and C/AS2. |
| 58141 | 36.4 | Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the provision of adequate access also be achieved through voluntary measures such as
‘best practice’ recommendations in the urban design strategy. |
| 58142 | 36.5 | Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, as a minimum, an advice note within the district plan be
included to direct plan users to the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017, specifically, Clause 191 –
Regulations relating to fire safety and evacuation procedures in relation to buildings, Clause 192 –
Regulations relating to evacuation schemes for buildings and Part 2 of Fire and Emergency New Zealand
(Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018 which relates to
Evacuation Schemes. |
| 58143 | 36.6 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.5 | | Oppose | Amend as follows:
Provide for community activities in the Zone
where these support the health and safety
and social and economic well-being of the
local community and adverse effects on the
residential Precincts are minimised. |
| 58144 | 36.6 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.4 | | Support | That Policy be retained, as notified. |
| 58145 | 36.7 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.5 | | Oppose | That Policy be amended as follows:
Provide for community activities in the Zone
where these support the health and safety
and social and economic well-being of the
local community and adverse effects on the
residential Precincts are minimised. |
| 58146 | 36.8 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.6 | | Oppose | That Policy be amended as follows:
d. Other community facilities including
sportsground and buildings for community
uses to provide for the day-to-day needs of
the Ladies Mile communities. |
| 58147 | 36.9 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.4 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.4.4 (Two or more residential units per site in the Medium Density Residential
Precinct and High Density Residential Precinct) be amended as follows:
iv. Firefighting water supply and
whether this is sufficient to ensure the
health and safety of the community,
including neighbouring properties is
provided. |
| 58148 | 36.10 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.12 | | Support | That Rule 49.4.12 (Community Activities in the Commercial Precinct and Glenpanel Precinct) be retained, as notified. |
| 58149 | 36.11 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.21 | | Support | That Rule 49.4.21 (Community Activities not otherwise listed) be retained, as notified. |
| 58150 | 36.12 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.4 Rules - Activities | | Oppose | That a new Rule 49.4.39 be added as follows:
49.4.39 – Community activities within the
Low, Medium, High Density Residential
1. The facility is an emergency service
Activity Status: Restricted Discretionary
Discretion is restricted to:
a. The extent to which there is a
functional and/or operational need to
locate the activity in the zone.
b. Reverse sensitivity effects of adjacent
c. The extent to which the activity may
adversely impact on the transport
d. The extent to which the activity may
adversely impact on the streetscape
and the amenity of the
neighbourhood, with particular regard
given to the bulk of the buildings.
e. The extent to which the activity may
adversely impact on the noise
Activity status when compliance is not
achieved with R49.4.39.1: Discretionary. |
| 58151 | 36.13 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That rule 49.5.2 (Building Height) be amended as follows:
Building Height - A maximum of 8m
Except that:
a. Emergency service facilities,
emergency service towers and
communication poles shall be up to
15m in height. |
| 58152 | 36.14 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That rule 49.5.6 (Minimum Building Setback) be amended as follows:
Note: Building setback requirements are
further controlled by the Building Code. This
includes the provision for firefighter access to
buildings and egress from buildings. Plan
users should refer to the applicable controls
within the Building Code to ensure
compliance can be achieved at the building
consent stage. Issuance of a resource
consent does not imply that waivers of
Building Code requirements will be
considered/granted |
| 58153 | 36.15 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That a new Rule 49.5.X - Water Supply for fire fighting, be added as follows:
a. Sufficient water supply and access to water
supplies for fire fighting shall be made
available to all residential units via Council’s
urban fully reticulated system and in
accordance with the New Zealand Fire
Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of
Practice (SNZ PAS:4509:2008).
b. Where a reticulated water supply compliant
with SNZ PAS:4509:2008 is not available,
water supply and access to water supplies for
fire fighting that is in compliance with the
alternative firefighting water sources
provisions of SNZ PAS 4509:2008 must be
provided |
| 58154 | 36.16 | Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.17 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.5.17 (Building Height) be amended as follows:
a. Emergency service facilities,
emergency service towers and
communication poles up to 15m in
height. |
| 58155 | 36.17 | Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.22 | | Oppose | That rule (Minimum boundary setbacks for buildings) be amended as follows: In the Medium Density Residential Precinct:
Note: Building setback requirements are
further controlled by the Building Code. This
includes the provision for firefighter access to
buildings and egress from buildings. Plan
users should refer to the applicable controls
within the Building Code to ensure
compliance can be achieved at the building
consent stage. Issuance of a resource
consent does not imply that waivers of
Building Code requirements will be
considered/granted. |
| 58156 | 36.18 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That a new Rule 49.5.X - Water supply for fire
fighting, be added as follows:
a. Sufficient water supply and access to water
supplies for fire fighting shall be made
available to all residential units via Council’s
urban fully reticulated system and in
accordance with the New Zealand Fire
Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of
Practice (SNZ PAS:4509:2008).
b. Where a reticulated water supply compliant
with SNZ PAS:4509:2008 is not available,
water supply and access to water supplies for
fire fighting that is in compliance with the
alternative firefighting water sources
provisions of SNZ PAS 4509:2008 must be
provided. |
| 58157 | 36.19 | Table 3 Standards for activities located in the Commercial Precinct and the Glenpanel Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.41 | | Oppose | That Rule (building height) be amended as follows: Building height shall not exceed:
a. the maximum heights shown on the Te
Pūtahi Ladies Mile Structure Plan –
Building Heights or
b. emergency service facilities,
emergency service towers and
communication poles shall be up to
15m in height
or whichever is the greater. |
| 58158 | 36.20 | Table 3 Standards for activities located in the Commercial Precinct and the Glenpanel Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.42 | | Support | That Rule 49.5.42 (Setbacks in the Glenpanel Precinct) be retained, as notified. |
| 58159 | 36.21 | Table 3 Standards for activities located in the Commercial Precinct and the Glenpanel Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.49 | | Oppose | That rule 49.5.49 (Verandas in the Commercial Precinct) be amended, as follows:
Every new, reconstructed or altered building
with frontage to the Collector Road Type C as
shown on the Structure Plan area shall
include a veranda or other means of weather
protection that has a minimum depth of 2.5m
and a height of 3.5m above the pavement
except for emergency service facilities. |
| 58160 | 36.22 | 49.5 Rules – Standards > Table 3 Standards for activities located in the Commercial Precinct and the Glenpanel Precinct Non-compliance status | | Oppose | That a new Rule 49.5.X be added into Table 3 as follows:
a. Sufficient water supply and access to water
supplies for fire fighting shall be made
available to all residential units via Council’s
urban fully reticulated system and in
accordance with the New Zealand Fire
Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of
Practice (SNZ PAS:4509:2008).
b. Where a reticulated water supply compliant
with SNZ PAS:4509:2008 is not available,
water supply and access to water supplies for
fire fighting that is in compliance with the
alternative firefighting water sources
provisions of SNZ PAS 4509:2008 must be
provided. |
| 58161 | 36.23 | Table 4 Standards for activities located in the Open Space Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.54 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.5.54 (Building Height) be amended as follows:
49.5.54 Building Height
Building height shall not exceed 12m, except
that the maximum height of lighting shall be
23m and the maximum height of emergency service towers and communication poles shall
be 15m.
Note: While the submission refers to Rule 49.4.54, the submitter has since confirmed in writing that this is an error and should be amended to read '49.5.54'. |
| 58162 | 36.24 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.7 Assessment Matters for Site and Building Design | | Oppose | That assessment matters 49.7.1 be amended as follows:
d. Access, parking and servicing
Whether the development provides for active
transport and good access and integration of
space for any parking and servicing, through
consideration of the extent to which the
(v) Addresses whether the
development provides for
appropriate emergency access
on/to the site including:
• The extent to which
access to the on
firefighting water supply
complies with SNZ PAS
4509:2008 New Zealand
Fire Service Firefighting
Water Supplies Code of
• The extent to which
developments provide for
emergency service
access including
pedestrian accessways
that are clear,
unobstructed and well lit
• The extent to which
wayfinding for different
properties on a
development are clear in
day and night is
provided. |
| 58163 | 36.25 | 4.2 Objectives and Policies > | | Support | That Policy be retained, as notified. |
| 58164 | 36.26 | 27.7.28 > | | Support | That Rule (Subdivision of land within the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zone) be retained, as notified. |
| 58165 | 36.27 | 27.9.8 > | | Oppose | That (assessment matters in relation to be amended as follows:
f. The extent to which a development
provides for appropriate emergency
access including:
i. The extent to which access to the on-site firefighting water supply complies
with SNZ PAS 4509:2008 New
Zealand Fire Service Firefighting
Water Supplies Code of Practice.
ii. The extent to which developments
provide for emergency service
access including pedestrian
accessways that are clear,
unobstructed and well lit
iii. The extent to which wayfinding for
different properties on a development
are clear in day and night is provided. |
| 58166 | 36.28 | Variation to Chapter 29 Transport > 29.5 Rules – Standards for activities outside roads | | Oppose | That the following new rule 29.5.X be added:
a. All vehicular access to fee simple title
lots, cross lease, unit title or leased
premises shall be in accordance with
Table 3.2 (Road Design Standards) of the
QLDC Land Development and
Subdivision Code of Practice 2018,
including the notes within Table 3.2 and
Appendices E and F; except as provided
for in 29.5.14b below.
b. All shared private vehicular accesses in
the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zone, serving
residential units in the High Density
Residential Zone, Medium Density
Residential Zone, Low Density
Residential Zone shall comply with the
following standards:
The greater of the actual number of units proposed to be serviced or the potential number of units able to be serviced by the permitted density
Formed Width (m)
Minimum legal width
1 to 6
7 to 12
5.5 -5.7
(ii) Except;
i. where a shared vehicle access
for 1 to 6 units adjoins a State
Highway, arterial, or collector
road, it shall have a formed width
of 5.5m
- 5.7m and a legal width
of at least 6.7m for a minimum
length of 6m, as measured from
the legal road boundary.
ii.To allow vehicles to pass,
formed access widths for 1 to 6
units shall include widening to not
less than 5.5 m over a 15m
length at no more than 50 m
spacing (measured from the end
of one passing bay to the
beginning of the next).
iii. The above access width rules
do not apply at the time of
subdivision to any developments
authorised and given effect to by
a land
-use consent as at the date
these provisions are made
c. No private way or private vehicle access
or shared access in any zone shall serve
sites with a potential to accommodate
more than 12 units on the site and
adjoining sites.
d. Private shared vehicle accesses shall
have legally enforceable arrangements
for maintenance put in place at the time
they are created.
e. All vehicle access design shall comply
with Schedule 29.2.
f. The above access width rules do not
apply to existing private shared vehicle
accessways for the purpose of controlling
the number of units that may be built
using the accessways, unless the total
land served by the accessway could
provide for more than 12 units. |
| 58167 | 36.29 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the following new rule 29.5.X (Width and design of vehicle crossings in
Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile – urban zones) be added:
Width and design of vehicle crossings in the
Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile - urban zones
a. The following vehicle crossing widths
shall apply as measured at the property
Width of crossing (m) at the property boundary
b. Vehicle crossings in all zones other than in
those rural zones which are regulated by Rule
29.5.16 shall comply with Diagram 2 and with
either Diagram 6 or 7 in Schedule 29.2,
depending on the activity served by the
access, such that:
(i)the access crosses the property
boundary at an angle of between 45
degrees and 90 degrees;
(ii) the vehicle crossing intersects with
the carriageway at an angle of 90
degrees plus or minus 15 degrees;
(iii) roading drainage shall be continuous
across the length of the crossing;
(iv) all vehicular accessways adjacent to
State Highways shall be sealed from
the edge of the carriageway to the
property boundary.
c. For vehicle crossings in all zones other
than in those rural zones which are regulated
by Rule 29.5.16, the width of the vehicle
crossings at the kerb shall be 1.0m wider than
the width at the boundary.
d. All vehicle crossings in all zones other than
in those rural zones which are regulated by
Rule 29.5.16 shall be located at least 500mm
from any internal property boundary and from
any other vehicle crossing on the same site.
| 58168 | 36.30 | 31.14 Rules – Activity Status of Signs in Special Zones > 31.14.1 | | Oppose | That Table 31.14 (Activity Status of Signs in Special Zones) be amended as follows:
Table 31.14 – Activity Status for signs in Special Zones
Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zone
Signs for commercial activities and community activities where the maximum area of the sign is 2m2 per site and it can be attached to a building or free standing
Control is reserved to the matters set out in Rule 31.18
| 5071 | 37 | Vivian+espie | Blair Devlin | Unit 1, 211B Glenda Drive, Frankton, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9300 (blair@vivianespie.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile J and M Dobb Submission on Te Putahi Ladies Mile Plan Change - Ladies Mile |
| 58169 | 37.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That EITHER
(a) The extent of the TPLMZ plan change be amended to include the upper
terrace of 13 Ada Place, Lake Hayes Estate (Lot 275 DP 333981) as follows:
(i) Within the TPLMZ zoning map
(ii) Within the Structure Plan extent (red line)
(iii) Within the MDR Precinct (to align with the proposed Sub-Area on the
northern side of the Ladies Mile)
(iv) Within Sub- Area ‘G’ (to align with the proposed Sub-Area on the northern
side of the Ladies Mile)
(v) Subject to a 25m Building Restriction Area
(b) The upper and lower terrace be rezoned to Low Density Suburban Residential
as per the adjoining Lake Hayes Estate and nearby Queenstown Country Club,
subject to a 25m Building Restriction Area adjacent to the State Highway and
over the embankment area. |
| 58170 | 37.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | In relation to all planning maps as they relate to 13 Ada Place, Lake Hayes Estate, Lot 275 DP 333981, any consequential relief that is necessary or alternative zoning approaches to enable
residential development of the upper terrace of 13 Ada Place. |
| 58171 | 37.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | Amend Rule 49.5.33 to
ensure that vehicle access to 13 Ada Place, Lake Hayes
Estate, Lot 275 DP 333981 is
only via the new Road Link
shown on the structure plan by amending 49.5.33 as follows:
Staging development to integrate with transport infrastructure Development (except for utilities and other physical infrastructure) within the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Sub-Areas shown on the Structure Plan shall not occur prior to all the corresponding transport infrastructural works listed below being completed. For the purposes of this rule, “completed” means when the works are physically completed and are able to be used for the intended purpose.
Sub area
Eastern Roundabout on State Highway 6
Bus stops on State Highway 6 west of the Eastern Roundabout (one on each side of the State Highway 6)
Pedestrian / cycle crossing of State Highway 6 west of the Eastern Roundabout
G (13 Ada Place - Lot 275 DP 333981)
Road Link shown on Structure Plan – General between Sylvan Street and State Highway 6.
| 58172 | 37.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That any other changes be made to achieve the matters listed in the changes sought in the submission. |
| 58173 | 37.5 | Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.33 | | Oppose | That 49.5.33 be amended as follows:
Staging development to integrate with transport infrastructure Development (except for utilities and other physical infrastructure) within the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Sub-Areas shown on the Structure Plan shall not occur prior to all the corresponding transport infrastructural works listed below being completed. For the purposes of this rule, “completed” means when the works are physically completed and are able to be used for the intended purpose.
Sub area
Eastern Roundabout on State Highway 6
Bus stops on State Highway 6 west of the Eastern Roundabout (one on each side of the State Highway 6)
Pedestrian / cycle crossing of State Highway 6 west of the Eastern Roundabout
G (13 Ada Place - Lot 275 DP 333981)
Road Link shown on Structure Plan – General between Sylvan Street and State Highway 6.
| 58174 | 37.4 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.7 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.4.7 be amended to
provide for residential flats
in the Low and Medium
Density Residential Precincts as a permitted
activity as follows:
Residential Flats (except within the Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Precincts)
| 58175 | 37.5 | Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.11 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.5.11 (Maximum number of Residential Units) be amended to provide for up to four residential units within a new Sub Area ‘G’ south of the State Highway. |
| 58176 | 37.6 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, in relation to the MDR Precinct Provisions, any consequential relief necessary or alternative zoning approaches be granted to enable residential development of the upper terrace of 13 Ada Place. |
| 58177 | 37.7 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, in relation to the Sub-Area ‘G’ provisions, any consequential relief necessary or alternative zoning approaches be granted to enable residential development of the upper terrace of 13 Ada Place. |
| 5072 | 38 | Julie Johnston | | 3E McDonnell Road, Arrowtown, New Zealand, 9302 (jjinqtown@yahoo.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58178 | 38.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That further transport options to mitigate traffic flow issues during rush hour on the arterial route into Frankton must be part of the plan and available before works begin (including an additional bridge accessible via Shotover Country/alternative subdivision exit moving traffic away from Ladies Mile). |
| 58179 | 38.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That a route for Queenstown traffic to divert away from the Ladies Mile/Shotover roundabout could reduce some of the traffic flow. |
| 5073 | 39 | Richard Bowman | | 75 Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road, RD 1, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (bowmanz@actrix.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Ladies Mile submission from FOLH Submission #39 - Richard Bowman on behalf of Friends of Lake Hayes Society Incorporated |
| 58180 | 39.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed in its current form, citing concerns that untreated stormwater runoff will enter Lake Hayes. |
| 58181 | 39.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, to achieve Policy (avoidance of adverse impacts on, and improvements to water quality in the Lake Hayes catchment, along with any development changes), the QLDC and/or the developers need to embrace a commensurate scale project to assist in the overall remediation of Lake Hayes. This could include the construction and regular maintenance of large sediment traps, restoration of the significant wetland at the south end of Lake Hayes, or improving the current poorly performing stormwater outflow system at the Lake Whakatipu rowing club. |
| 5074 | 40 | Amanda Styris | | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (amanda@styris.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Amanda Styris - Ladies Mile Plan Change |
| 58715 | 40.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the notified Variation is opposed on the basis of concerns relating to traffic, the use of the Threepwood land, the paper road that connects to Marshall Avenue, stormwater and the water quality of Lake Hayes, and the landscape values of Slopehill. |
| 5075 | 41 | Shane Pratley | | 38 quarry place, lake hayes estate, queenstown, New Zealand, (kiwielectricalqt@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57914 | 41.1 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.21 | | Oppose | That the zone be declined, due to traffic concerns. |
| 57915 | 41.2 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the maximum building height be amended to 12 m or 3 storeys in the high density residential and medium density residential areas. |
| 58416 | 41.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the zone be declined. |
| 5076 | 42 | Bill Yuill | | PO Box 1229, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9348 (beanzz@xtra.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58182 | 42.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal is opposed, due to traffic concerns. |
| 5077 | 43 | Miranda Susan Spary | | 56 Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road, RD 1, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9371 (mirandaspary@me.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Miranda Spary |
| 58183 | 43.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Variation is cancelled, citing concerns relating to the pollution of Lake Hayes, flooding, ruining an area of natural beauty, traffic problems, safety for pedestrians and cyclists, and it being an inappropriate location for high density housing. |
| 5078 | 44 | Murray Brass | | PO Box 5244, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9054 (mbrass@doc.govt.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Murray Brass (Department of Conservation) |
| 58230 | 44.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the proposed Variation is not approved unless or until there is adequate offsetting and/ or compensation for the loss of bird habitat, and provision for a consolidated stormwater management approach. |
| 58231 | 44.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That further or alternative relief to like effect to that sought in the submission be granted. |
| 58232 | 44.3 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the Structure Plan be amended to include consolidated stormwater management. |
| 58233 | 44.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Variation is not approved unless or until off-site monitoring and effects management measures have been developed and confirmed in relation to native bird species. These could include stand-alone measures, and/or collaboration with, or support for, existing community initiatives. |
| 58234 | 44.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That information be added in the Variation to alert plan readers to
the likely presence of McCann’s skinks and the
requirements of the Wildlife Act 1953. |
| 58235 | 44.6 | 27.7.28 > | | Oppose | That an additional matter of discretion be inserted into Rule as follows, or
wording to like effect:
“x. ecological and natural values" |
| 58236 | 44.7 | 27.9 Assessment Matters for Resource Consents > 27.9.8 | | Oppose | That an additional assessment matter be added to as follows, or wording to like effect:
“x. the extent to which the subdivision protects, maintains or enhances indigenous biodiversity, including through offsetting or compensation measures.”
Note: While the submission refers to, the submitter has since confirmed in writing that this is an error and should be amended to read '', as above. |
| 58237 | 44.8 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.7 Assessment Matters for Site and Building Design | | Support | That Assessment matters 49.7.1(f) be retained, as notified. |
| 5079 | 45 | Vivian Espie | Blair Devlin | PO Box 2514, Wakatipu, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9349 (blair@vivianespie.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Blair Devlin (Caithness Developments Ltd) |
| 58238 | 45.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Support | That an active travel link through the submitter’s site at 12 Stalker Road (located on the corner of Stalker Road and SH6 and legally described as Lot 4 DP 325561, Section 4-5 SO 485598) within the 25m BRA is within the control of the landowner, and this could be provided at the time of subdivision. This requirement is accepted. |
| 58239 | 45.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Support | That the proposed 25m Building Restriction Area is accepted on the submitter’s site and provides a space for landscaping and active travel to connect to the bus stops west of Stalker Road. |
| 58240 | 45.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Low Density Residential Precinct be confirmed for the submitter’s site, OR the submitter's site be excluded from the TPLMZ and re-zoned to Low Density Suburban Residential, as has occurred with the Queenstown Country Club.
| 58241 | 45.4 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.3 | | Oppose | That Policy be amended as follows: Avoid the establishment of Service
Stations, and business activities that would
undermine the function and role of other centres, including Industrial, Service, Large
Format Retail activities and large office
spaces. |
| 58242 | 45.5 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.7 | | Oppose | Amend Rule 49.4.7 to enable Residential Flats (as defined in PDP) within the Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Precincts as a permitted activity as follows:
Residential Flats (except within the Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Precincts)
| 58243 | 45.6 | Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.11 | | Oppose | Delete Sub-Area ‘H1’ from the table in Rule 49.5.11 (Maximum number
of residential units).
Note: While the proposed re-wording of the rule in the submission strikes out Sub-Area ‘I’, the submitter has since confirmed in writing that this is an error and that it is Sub-Area H1 that is sought to be deleted from the table, as per the preamble to the relief sought.
| 58244 | 45.7 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.38 | | Oppose | Amend Rule 49.4.38 to change the status of Service Stations from prohibited to discretionary. |
| 58245 | 45.8 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That any other changes necessary be made to achieve the matters raised in the submission.
| 5080 | 46 | Vivian+Espie | Blair Devlin | PO Box 2514, Wakatipu, Queenstown, New Zealand, 9349 (blair@vivianespie.co.nz) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Blair Devlin (Shotover Country Ltd) |
| 58274 | 46.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Low Density Residential Precinct be confirmed for the submitter’s site located on the corner of Stalker Road and SH 6 (and legally described as Section 7 SO 485598), OR the submitter’s site and land located within the LDR Precinct to the east of Stalker Road (Sub-Area ‘I’) be excluded from the TPLMZ and re-zoned to Low Density Suburban Residential. |
| 58275 | 46.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the building restriction area as it relates to the submitter's site be reduced from 75m to 25m. |
| 58276 | 46.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the red dotted line that is shown on the Zoning Plan for the submitter's site be removed.
| 58277 | 46.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That any other changes be made to achieve the matters outlined in the submission. |
| 58278 | 46.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, in relation to the mapping of Lot 1 DP 510256, the Low Density Residential Precinct/ Low Density Suburban Residential Zone boundary be aligned with the Sub-Area ‘I’ boundary. |
| 58279 | 46.6 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That Policy be amended as follows: Avoid the establishment of Service Stations, and business activities that would undermine the function and role of other centres, including Industrial, Service, Large Format Retail activities and large office spaces. |
| 58280 | 46.7 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That Rule 49.4.7 be amended to enable Residential Flats (as defined in PDP) within the Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Precincts as a permitted activity as follows:
Residential Flats (except within the Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Precincts)
| 58347 | 46.8 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That Sub-Area ‘I’ be deleted from the table in Rule 49.5.11 (Maximum number
of residential units). |
| 58350 | 46.9 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.38 | | Oppose | That Rule 49.4.38 be amended to change the status of Service Stations from prohibited to discretionary. |
| 5081 | 47 | Rob Burnell | | 34 Quill Steeet, New Zealand, (robburnell@hotmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Submission #47 - Rob Burnell on behalf of Robert Burnell |
| 58197 | 47.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Variation be dismissed/ not proceed. |
| 58198 | 47.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the masterplan be abandoned. |
| 58199 | 47.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the QLDC revise its housing strategy. |
| 58215 | 47.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the Urban Growth Boundary not extend east of the Shotover Bridge. |
| 58216 | 47.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC work harder with the existing landowners of sites that are already zoned for high density development and activate on these locations. |
| 5082 | 48 | Lloyd Anderson | | Unknown, New Zealand, Unknown (lloyddeb@me.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile Lloyd and Debbie Anderson Part 1 Lloyd and Debbie Anderson Part 2 |
| 58711 | 48.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the variation is opposed on the basis that:
- it relies on factual errors/ assumptions regarding the land ownership for the pump station to service the majority of the masterplan (to be located at intersection of McDowell Drive and SH6) and the active travel link noted on the Structure Plan running parallel to State Highway 6 are located on private, rather than public land;
- there will be adverse effects on the Threepwood owners/ residents and the wider community from the active link proposed through Threepwood Farm, in terms of farm operations and the Outstanding Natural Landscape; and
- there will be adverse effects on the Threepwood owners/ residents and the wider community from the increase in stormwater flows through Threepwood and into Lake Hayes, causing physical damage and further deterioration to the Lake Hayes water quality and the wetland. |
| 58712 | 48.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That, whilst opposed to the Variation in its current form, the submitter recognises the need for additional housing and amenities within the masterplan area and is open to working with QLDC to achieve a workable solution for wastewater and stormwater management, and an active travel link. |
| 5083 | 49 | Nicky Busst | | 3 Manorburn Place, Lake Hayes Estate, New Zealand, (nickybusstnz@gmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58351 | 49.1 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC consider alternative locations for building more homes that are not on the ladies mile side of the river. |
| 58352 | 49.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC consider addressing the use of the current homes so they don't lay empty, be used for investment
purposes, or as Airbnb's. |
| 58353 | 49.3 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC consider the consequences on the already poor infrastructure and congestion that will arise from the existing and additional residents living on this side of the river who will need to travel across the Shotover bridge into Frankton. |
| 58354 | 49.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the provision of more community facilities, schools, and shops to this side of the river be fast-tracked to reduce the need to cross the river. |
| 58355 | 49.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC work with local businesses and MoE to consider alternatives such as people having greater flexibility in their work hours or WHS starting later and ensure the bus continues. |
| 5084 | 50 | Kim Netzler | | New Zealand, (kimnetzler@hotmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 58356 | 50.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Oppose | That the number of units planned is reduced to 1000. |
| 58357 | 50.2 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the height of the complex is reduced to 13 metres. |
| 58358 | 50.3 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Oppose | That the building restriction area is increased to 50 metres along State Highway 6. |
| 58359 | 50.4 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC ensure any design complements the environment and is carefully considered. |
| 58360 | 50.5 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the infrastructure is improved to cope with the increased traffic. |
| 58361 | 50.6 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That the proposal create an avenue of anticipation rather than a road to high-rise buildings. |
| 58362 | 50.7 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC ensure there is no run-off into Lake Hayes or the rivers. |
| 58363 | 50.8 | Ladies Mile > Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile | | Oppose | That QLDC ensure that planting screens the entire complex. |
| 5085 | 51 | Gary Erving | | 21 Myles Way, Lower Shotover, New Zealand, (garyerving@hotmail.com) | Te Putahi Ladies Mile |
| 57916 | 51.1 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Support | That the zone purpose be retained. |
| 57917 | 51.2 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.1 Zone Purpose | | Not Stated | |
| 57918 | 51.3 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.2 | | Support | That Objective 49.2.2 and the associated policies be retained. |
| 57919 | 51.4 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.5 | | Support | That Objective 49.2.5 and the associated policies be retained. |
| 57920 | 51.5 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.6 | | Support | That Objective 49.2.6 and associated policies be retained. |
| 57921 | 51.6 | 49.2 Objectives and policies > 49.2.7 | | Support | That Objective 49.2.7 and the associated policies be retained. |
| 57922 | 51.7 | 29.10 Minimum requirements for cycle parking, lockers and showers > 29.10.17 | | Support | That Rule 29.10.17 (cycle parks, lockers, and showers) be retained. |
| 57923 | 51.8 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.5 | | Support | That the non complying status of residential visitor accommodation (Rule 49.4.5) be retained. |
| 57924 | 51.9 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.7 | | Support | That the non complying status of residential flats (Rule 49.4.7) be retained. |
| 57925 | 51.10 | 49.4 Rules - Activities > 49.4.33 | | Support | That Rule 49.4.33 (visitor accommodation) be retained. |
| 57926 | 51.11 | Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.10 | | Support | That Rule 49.5.10 (Staging development to integrate with transport infrastructure) be retained. |
| 57927 | 51.12 | Table 1 Standards for activities located in the Low Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.11 | | Support | That Rule 49.5.11 (Maximum number of Residential Units) be retained. |
| 57928 | 51.13 | Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.16 | | Support | That Rule 49.5.16 (consistency with the Structure Plan) be retained. |
| 57929 | 51.14 | Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.28 | | Support | That Rule 49.5.28 (Residential Storage) be retained. |
| 57930 | 51.15 | Table 2 Standards for activities located in the Medium Density Residential Precinct and the High Density Residential Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.33 | | Support | That Rule 49.5.33 (Staging development to integrate with transport infrastructure) be retained. |
| 57931 | 51.16 | Table 4 Standards for activities located in the Open Space Precinct Non-compliance status > 49.5.56 | | Support | That rule 49.5.56 (Staging development to integrate with transport infrastructure) be retained. |
| 57932 | 51.17 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.6 Rules – Non-notification of Applications | | Oppose | That Rule 49.6 be retained as proposed but also include the residential design guide. |
| 57933 | 51.18 | Chapter 49 Te Putahi Ladies Mile > 49.8 Structure Plan | | Support | That the Structure Plan be retained. |
| 57934 | 51.19 | 4.2 Objectives and Policies > | | Support | That Policy be retained. |
| 57935 | 51.20 | 4.2 Objectives and Policies > | | Support | That Policy (residential density) be retained. |